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Conversation Between stormi_weathers and Sinz Kitten

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. lol I'm bored XD I had a lazy sunday too but for me that just means I had nothing to do XD
  2. i'm great! i had a lazy sunday. it was nice. you?
  3. lol it's fine XD take your time X3 so how are you today?
  4. Oh my gosh! I totally spaced with that!
  5. oh you do know you can post twice if you have two characters in two different places right?
  6. i did! (:
  7. there you go go ahead and show up wherever you like X3
  8. Hello! I just submitted a character! Lemme know if I need to edit anything. (:
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 18 of 18
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