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Conversation Between Naristar and emberwest

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I did use the Tek tek gradient generator!!
    Easiest way to do it really,
    And as to how I got it to work well....
    If your reffering to the whole words running togetherlikethis I just go through the code and count the letters every time I get to the end of a word I put a space there. One caution. If using it in the comment area here you have to keep it short and simple otherwise you hit the character limit really fast
  2. Did you use the tek tek gradient/rainbow generator to make your text cool? If so, how did you get it to work?
  3. Go for it!
  4. Is it alright if I use this for techno
  5. Not at all. I think it's awesome!
  6. Hey do you find this annoying?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 16 of 16
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