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Conversation Between Utopia and Strude

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Maybe my next set of display pictures will be! >D

    I'll add it to the queue of icons! XD

    Man, I haven't watched Watership Down in YEARS.
  2. I was hoping it was killer bunnies from Watership Down. The crazy wicked bunny art is similar. Those rabbits gave me nightmares.
  3. Not exactly, try Judecca! >D

    Oh, score, I hope it works. If you have any troubles and that jazz just toss me a line. Shouldn't have to many issues, most would be minor volume stuff that is easily fixed!

    Oh YAY! Got me excited to have you on vent. > w <
  4. Also- I am working on getting Ventrilo onto my computer. I need to get a new battery for my mic and actually hook it up again. heh.
  5. Yay! Watership Down!
  6. Score. I still have to finish my freaking list. But WHOOT! I'm game to see what ya got, and if I've read them before or not! >D
  7. When I get home, I have a huge list of awesome to send you for webcomics and Manga. We have very similar reading lists from what I have seen, so i think they may be up your alley.

  8. Haha, yeah they're all personal entries for now. It's a combo blog personal/gaming and then role playing. ^___^' I want to convince my brother to buy me a video camera so I can do video entries instead of writing them all . . . would make things a little easier. XD
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