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Conversation Between xXEmoDubstepGirlXx and TrySton-Chan

196 Visitor Messages

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  1. hey I'm gonna log out for tonight. read that book. and I'll talk to you tomorrow. kay bye~
  2. Do it!
    and I posted~
  3. yes yes we do xD

    O AIKNOW *knows how to add Crona*
  4. lol!
    I know ...trying to convince myself to post- we need to have something funny happen....
    ...oh wait no thats cuz of the cookie....
  6. *hugz* Luv yuuh too brother! xD

    btw I posted like a long time ago xD
  7. ><
    well you have me and I dont care if you do that randomly on a website.
    love ya brother ^^
  8. Yup cuz thats kinda rediculous...usually ppl there r pretty nice and laid back but my gaed xD
  9. uh... people need to relax....and not take things so seriously
  10. lolz

    sigh...internet drama on my other website xD
    I hug everyone and tell them i luv them on there. they always no i dont mean I literally love them like THAT. but i said that to this one guy and his 'girlfriend' started getting really mad at me because I was like *hugglez* yay I luv yuuh!" cuz he added my character to an rp, and he got mad and she got mad and now its all awkward and im kinda sad xD
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 196
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