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Conversation Between Petrichora and Soryn

417 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh well. At least this time I used a better metaphor.
  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so I had like, basically my entire post written, and then my computer decided to be a fucker and so i forgot, and I had to shut down my computer, and it's gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Wait, so. . . Like, the date was during your shift or something? I don't understand.
  4. I'm going with flattered. yes, I think flattered. (with a little bit of confusion)
  5. No worries. Whenever is fine. I'm patient.

    Also, since I can publicly say it here, since it has no real connection to my life.... One of my co-workers tried to set me up with their son tonight.... He didn't tell me he was setting me up until after his kid already left, but still it was really really really really weird..... And the kid was kind of cute, but I would have sworn he was something like 16... until his dad told me he turns 21 this feb.... Really weird. And this all happened because we had a conversation about matter tranporters and sci-fi concepts.... He said that he thought me and his son would have something to talk about, but neither one of us made a move so "oh well". . . . . . I'm not sure if I'm really flattered or really weirded out.
  6. Sorry that I haven't been on lately. I'm busy settling in and such. We got a lot of required crap we have to do. I might post tonight, but if I don't, I'm sorry. I'll try and post within the next week.
  7. T_T Miss you. Just so you know.... Yeah... gunna go back to my fortress of solitude and brood.... Maybe if I get the brooding down I can win you back... Since I already got the tall, dark and ... attractive? I guess handsome is appropriate. Since it was originally used indiscriminately for men and women.
  8. www.oneword.com/

    Go forth and type it! And so it shall be! XD anyways thought you'd enjoy it. I really liked it.
  9. Maybe.....

    Wow, thats really cool. I approve! XD
  10. Unless it's consensual?

    And, I'm gonna miss you, too. But don't worry. I'll be back. And I promise I won't let anyone hurt me. And I doubt Scott, Justin, Jack, or Khylee would let someone hurt me. Plus there's this really cool thing called the Cat Crew. If it's late at night and you're scared to walk alone, you can call them up, and they'll walk you back to your dorm. Any time of night.
Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 417
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