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Conversation Between Soryn and Petrichora

417 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, I gave him every opportunity to say he didn't want to do it, cuz I didn't want to make him feel like he had to do it. I'd always say something like "[information about the class]. . .But, if you don't want to do it, or can't, it's ok. I'll understand." And he said something like, "No, I can do it. I want to." Or something like that. So now he is in the class.

    And the teacher's assistant! Oh my God! He is so fine! Ok, so he is apparently from Utah, and had taken college there (it was probably at Snow College, cuz that's where Hayden is in Utah, and the guy's cap had Snow written on the back of--Fuck. He's Mormon. Isn't he? Damn it!) Anyway, he had this beautiful, perfect skin. Like, no blemishes or acne (he looked to be 18-22). And his skin was tan, maybe an olive tone, but you could tell he was a white guy. Maybe Eryk tan. And he had these little beauty moles on his face and since he was the teacher's assistant, he KNOWS HOW TO DANCE! I got to dance with him. Boy was he pretty.
  2. haha yup yup.

    SWEET!!!! Thats Awesome, and of course the teacher would XD Girls are always easier to get into dance than boys, boys are hard to get into anything that involves a stage or coordinated motions XD So congrats on getting your friend in there! I'm somewhat jealous you get to take a dance class xD
  3. Oh, well I guess I can understand that. I mean, if it makes you money and you're good at it, then. . . Awesome.

    Oh, hey! Scott is taking the dance class with me. The teacher said she'd accept more guys, but not more girls.
  4. It does and it doesn't, cause I hate being so damn low on the food chain, but everyone really likes me and is saying I'll be a server in no time. (pretty much I just have to wait the standard 90 days after my initial hire and bam, I'm gunna move up.) which, is unusual everyone seems to have had to wait at least six months or so before they can go from host to server XD so, taking it with a smile has its perks XD

    And I really want the tips... Bad. Like, you have no idea how much that would improve my wage. haha
  5. Dude, I was off for like a week, too, so it's cool. And, I'm sorry to hear that. Sounds like it sucks.
  6. phew glad you understand... I felt really bad I just couldn't seem to get to this site for forever. but I'm finally getting back to it now XD

    BTW Definition of Hostess: Everybody's Bi*&%...
  7. Its ok. Lifes been crazy for me too.
  8. sorry it took so long to get back and post, life's been crazy XP Anyways, hope you enjoy. Its been editted and rewritten a bizzilion times by now so I hope its good. XD
  9. That's weird. Wow. Oh. Wow. I. . . I don't know what. . . I don't even. . . Wow. WHO DOES THAT?
  10. No, he called texted his son to come in and "see me", so that he could check me out. It was weird.

    Awww I'm sorry.
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