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Conversation Between Arcipello and XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX

118 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm sure they are fine. I posted, too.
  2. ;3 Lol let's hope my..naughty rping skills are..good enough xD
  3. I know it is ^.-
  4. Oh man it certainly is getting heated xD

    yup poor poor fairy man xD
  5. Daww, poor guy.
  6. Posted!
  7. mmmhmmm <3 it would. Maybe he could tell her he saw something take the girl he tried helping her but failed miserably xD
  8. That would make the plot a bit more interesting. Sara comes to his side and takes care of him.
  9. yeah that works to i didn't want to rush into anything if you weren't comfortable with any disappearances yet. :3 Maybe Hanzo get's beat up by the invisible thing the same day maybe he was trying to save the student.. or something?
  10. Sure thing. All sounds good, maybe within a less than a week someone could go missing O.o If you're up to that?
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