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Jennavieve Olivia Brownin

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Crimson

Rating: (any)   Genre: (any)  

Danicing runs in her veins. She use to be able to influence people with her dancing but now she can control them completely..

Just under 6 feet tall, slender at about 120 pounds. Tiny waist and curvy hips, mile long legs.
Long black curly hair, goes to about mid waist. 
She has bright teal colored eyes, rimmed with long thick black lashes.
Jenna moves with complete grace, she moves like no human should be able to. Sometimes it looks as if she has no bones, it can be a bit freaky.

Jenna has a fire deep within her, she can be fierce but sometimes cold. On good days Jenna can be completely charming and sweet. If she doesn't like you, all you'll get is her coldness. When she looses her temper watch out, she will tend to strike out. But it doesn't happen to often, she is mostly calm.

Equipment / Abilities
Puppeteer/Marionette- Can control other peoples movements. When she dances she can control people much easier.

Enhanced Dexterity- The user’s nimbleness is drastically improved, includes the inability to be clumsy or fumble. Can slip through a network of lasers, reach through dangerous narrow tunnels, keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly.

Enhanced Reflexes- One can dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments, and normally react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.

Escape Artistry- The power to easily wriggle out of any binds, break through any fetters, or otherwise escape captivity with relative ease.

Ever since she was little Jenna loved to dance. That's about all she did she was so obsessed. As she got older she began to notice she could influence people's motions when she was dancing, they tended to move with her. She practiced until her ability was completely under control and she could use it whenever.
