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Ru'Onna Tillahnnen

Roleplay: "ISOS_Xavi"

Player: ISOS Duke

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Ru’Onna Tillahnnen

Ru’Onna has been said to have been as wild as the fire that “burns in her hair”.  And while her red hair is not really made up of fire, the woman is very wild and rambunctious even though she is the Keeper’s First, which means she’s next in line for Keeper of the clan.  Though wild and unpredictable, her loyalties for her clansman goes without question, all know the woman would lay down her life for them, without a second thought.  Yet, on the same note, those very same people can’t seem to keep the woman in one place for long.

The redhead does not like to hold still, especially sticking around for various lectures or whatever else the elders may have in store for her.  Ru’Onna is known for avoiding her duties at any cost.  If something comes up that she has no interest in (such as meeting with emissaries from another clan), the woman just seems to vanish.  The Tillahnnen clan know she’s vanished off into the woods, but none has managed to find the woman.

She’s very carefree, not seeing why one should take life so seriously.  Yes, there were serious matters at times, but that was no reason to make everyone miserable by being strict all the time.  Ru’Onna is a jokester and her temperament can often come off as rude or snarky to those unfamiliar with her or the clan as a whole.  She’s sharp-witted and outspoken, having no issues in calling people out even on the smallest of things.  Many of the people in her clan blame the centaur’s that they share their lands with for this one. 

Normally, the elves are a calm, quiet people, choosing to live with at peace with nature.  On the other hand, centaurs had always been rumored to be loud, boisterous and destructive, though their dedication to the land was still obvious.  The elves and centaurs shared their land, though their clans were kept separate, though close to one another.  It was quite obvious that Ru’Onna favored the way the centaurs behaved as she could very easily get loud and seemed to enjoy drinking more than the usual elf.

Beyond the centaurs, the elves held very few allies and the same went for the redhead as well.  As much as she wanted to explore the lands further, for she was a very curious person, she dared not leave their territory for it was a risk to her people, especially with the growing presence of humans nearby.  Ru’Onna despised humans; they captured and sold or killed that which they didn’t fully understand and they seemed to hold little room in their heart for those with the affinity for magic.

Equipment / Abilities

Ru’Onna is the fifth child to the Keeper of her clan, though even as the fifth child, she was the first one born with magic and powerful magic at that.  Her mother, the Keeper, was beyond excited to finally have a child of her own to take on the role of the First, or the first in line when the Keeper passed or wasn’t around.

Her childhood was uneventful for the most part.  Unlike other clans, they did not seem to be pushed out by humans as they seemed to have little interest in The Emerald Graves at that point.  She grew up learning the history of her people, how to control and grow her magic and it didn’t take long to see just how much power the child had.  The elders were both pleased and feared this power as if unable to be controlled or used for ill purposes, the magic would be deadly, but should it be nurtured and used for good, Ru’Onna would be able to grow up to be the most powerful Keeper their clan had ever had.

They shared their lands with a centaur tribe though, something that the elven child took great interest in.  As she quickly picked up the history of her people, she began to grow bored, wanting to learn more and this tribe was definitely something for her to learn from.  When it would be time for lessons, over things she already knew, Ru’Onna would disappear and at first, the tribe scouts had no problems in bringing her back.  Soon though, it would be centaur scouts dragging the elven child back and eventually she just couldn’t be found.

The child had found a small centaur boy whom she called Shi.  They spent much time together as he was supposed to be learning how to be a scout for his people.  The first time they were caught, the two got in trouble, Shi more than Ru’Onna had for she held the title of “next leader” and the centaurs respected that.  She continued to sneak out to meet with the centaur boy, though he didn’t seem pleased to see her and their friendship was soon built on the foundation of fighting, teasing and pranks.

It would be Shi that taught her about his people and the tribe soon just because used to the elf wandering into their village.  It was as though Ru’Onna getting to know Shi opened up the relationship between the two tribes as both elf and centaur seemed to make frequent trips to each other’s village, trading or even scouting together.

She would learn the fun of parties and drinking through the centaurs as well, something her tribe would have rather her not found enjoyment.  One particular night, the woman and Shi had gotten drunk and decided they would hold a competition of sorts.  A few trees were leveled and a cart was set on fire.  The two were under constant supervision of a handful of elven scouts if there was to be drinking after that.

As they grew older and Shi had to scout more, Ru’Onna was sure to pester him frequently, though vanish at any sign that he was going to have to confront someone that wandered too far into their lands.  She was interested though and managed to somehow nag the centaur into teaching her what he knew about the other races that he dealt with.

The two really were inseparable, though they seemed to fight constantly.  The tribes were slowly being convinced that the two were romantically interested in one another, if not already in some sort of relationship.  None confronted them about it though, for at least as far as the elves go, they didn’t want to overstep the Keepers boundaries and question the First.
