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Abigail Rosland Black

Roleplay: "The New Frontier"

Player: Kai

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"If you thought I was cool in the flesh, wait till I get dressed up!"

Colonel Abigail Rosland Black. 32 and still going strong. A total goth of a soldier specialized to lead the Suit Unit with the regiment on ground. Standing at an average of 5'6, a healthy 150lbs, she is no ordinary woman, starting from the hairstyle to her facial tattoo and other various details making the colonel stand out like a sore thumb in the crowds. Often in her dry-suit used when linking up to her Power armor, Abigail often trails around in the usual civilian clothing, sporting the ever popular Gothic ink. 

"If your boring, why bother staying here? New Hope isn't a place for the boring. Only the exciting and dangerous can get away with shit here."

When not on duty, it often varies from the temperature and kind of day. Sometimes it's fishnets and shorts in the every popular cybergoth, or a more conservative approach with a formal dress uniform. Abigail tries to be colorful to blend in with the others, being probably the only goth around, she often fails and ends up going back to wearing black. Abby was never one to be a truly "Colorful" person. 

"Sure could've used a better photo of me... I wasn't even ready that time."

Professional at it's finest, Abigail has no desire to make friends just yet with whom shes stationed with. To the soldiers and other units of the military: Abigail can be boiled down to once sentence: "A No-Bullshit woman". Her standards remain strict and rigid when expecting the performance of both her team and the marines at hand. On the flip side, Abby is a fairly nice person, however just quiet and as always, morbidly dark in her sense of reality. 

A realist, yet a nihilist at the same time, Abby stands by her own views on life first, before she will ever bend to think on another way of looking at it. To her, there is no other life then what she does, because there's nothing else that will bring the same emotions out. "This isn't my life, I have no life. I'm just living." Being a realist has kept Abigail alive, though often a loner. Not many would indulge in sharing her views on life and death. In reality, shes often seen to stalk around and spring her mandibles of authority when the time is needed.

Though when it boiled down to her inner emotions, Abigail has a better time hiding her personal feelings over letting someone know. Which unfortunately, brings a new myriad of problems involving relationships both intimate and casual. Especially considering Abigail wants to settle down at some point.

Equipment / Abilities
Outside of the Power Armor (Equip below, pic in Extras), Abigail carries little to almost no weaponry. Every now and then she might sport a side arm, but never a rifle or anything larger. Truthfully, she isn't trained to use them. Her clothing is a black sleek suit of soft fabric, with small plates covering the important parts of her body. The jacks otherwise seen, are underneath said plates which simply hook on.

Her power armor, however, is another story. Nine feet of reinforced metal wrapped around Kevlar layers and even more metal inside. Atmospherically sealed and capable of bulldozing through a small APC, the power armor boasts a wide array of abilities used to make Abigail otherwise, a super human. Armed with a large, fully automatic auto cannon that has been redesigned into a gigantic rifle, the Suit dubbed Mortimer, is a well rounded unit capable of carrying heavy support weapons such as the HHMG or HHMGL, Mortimer is actually much more advanced electronically. Capable of counting rounds fired, range, and a wide variety of tools used to survey the battlefield as it happens in real time and keep track of location, squadmate's health and location, even if there is anything in the air. 

Hey look! It's Mortimer! That's the suit I operate.

Her history is relatively unknown, being such an introvert few outside her own superiors know the history. It's up to the person to get her to talk of it. Outside an impressive military career that started in the Army, Abigail transferred to Naval marines after achieving her rank of Suit operator. After joining up with the 122nd Regiment, Abigail's records simply bloomed with new awards and medals while she skyrocketed through the ranks.

Nestled at the position of Colonel, Abigail was happy where she was, and settled into that spot for a while. She had no intentions of going any higher. This was the fine line between being a pencil pusher, and being a battlefield commander. Which she wanted both. Luckily, the concept of New Hope and it's colonization factors presented a unique challenge for Abigail. Sure, overseeing a military installation was one thing. But an installation on top of a
Civilian installation? Now that, made things fun.
