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Ilia Strong

Roleplay: "Koragnier [OPEN]"

Player: enkerzed

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Demons can be killed and I will teach you how


  • Age: 31
  • Height: 7'6
  • Weight: 280lb
  • Body type: Heroic
  • Eye colour: Blue
  • Hair colour: Red

Being particularly short around other Ascended, Ilia still finds it strange to be a giantess among regular people and might even forget to look down from time to time when spoken to. Asides from this quirk of habit, Ilia is surprisingly even tempered and well adjusted for a veteran of Koragnier. This in itself is somewhat of an abnormality, though it could be largely attributed to her highly disciplined upbringing and natural resilience.

Carefully trained and prepared by her family for the day of being sent to the Armasseum, Ilia was already well mentally equipped for the trials that awaited. Though nothing could prepare her for the loss of friends, her fortitude allowed her to bear the pain that might have broken so many others. Even in the hellish conditions of Koragnier, Ilia could maintain a presence of focus that might have taken years of battle experience for some to attain.

By far, the biggest downside to such a trait is her insensitivity to others' thoughts and feelings. Something she often forgets is that not everyone can be as strong as her and when someone is on the verge of breaking, she's ineffectual at best when trying to help and that's if she even notices at all.

In spite of her own fortitude, Ilia did not return from Koragnier unscathed. Like all veterans before her, she continues to suffer nightmares of her experiences and having only recently returned from battle, these memories are still fresh. Ilia copes with them as best as she can, usually forgetting her dreams within hours of waking, though she has come to dread sleep and actively tries to avoid it.

Equipment / Abilities
  • Super strength
  • Able to summon wings for flight
  • Highly skilled swordswoman
  • Horse riding
  • Possesses heavy plate armour of the highest quality

