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Roleplay: "Alliance of the Gifted"

Player: FijiLoki

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"There are no strings on me..."

Evolith (Eve) is tall standing at about 5'9 with long greenish hair and grey eyes. She strings a few feathers in her long hair. She has very fair skin and a slender, toned body. Being separated from society, Eve is often dirty with torn up clothing. She wears a string of claws and fangs around her neck and paints her face up in the blood of her kills when she hunts. She is a spear wielder, and has made her own spear from the bones of the animals she hunts. Evolith is 20 years old and left handed.


- A line across her palm
- She has a scar between two ribs on the left side of her chest just beneath her breast. The scar is linear and is about 2 inches wide.

Evolith is an emotional creature with a clear lack of control. She is too powerful an energy user for her to be able to wield it without loosing herself in it. For this reason she stays away from other humans as she sees their strong emotions as dangerous and this is one thing that brings her to be wary about Nox. She holds an obvious lack of social skills; she takes the things she wants, she's stubborn, and she doesn't always realize when lines have been crossed. Despite these things Evolith is very courageous and loyal. She is kind and of course empathetic. She likes to joke a lot and tease and it is quick to smile when tension is not high. Her ideas and emotions can seem extreme and there has been times that she has questioned her own sanity.

Equipment / Abilities
Proficiency: Spears

Evolith has a strong proficiency in the use of spears and it is her chosen physical weapon. She crafted her own spear from the bones of the creatures and animals she's slain.

Proficiency: Knives

Although Evolith no longer uses knives often, she had an early on proficiency for knives and daggers that came up while she was a "gutter rat".


Evolith is strongly attuned with Energy; so much so in fact that it has become too powerful for her to control properly. Current known Energy uses:
  • Extreme Empathy
  • Amplification of emotions and feelings that are already there
  • Draining the life force of another person through physical contact
  • Self-Healing and Wound Transfer
  • ???
  • ???

It is known that Evolith has an affinity for Water, but it is unknown how attuned to that element she is. Current known Water uses:
  • Water manipulation 
  • Water breathing
  • Drawing energy from a strong current
  • ???
  • ???


  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Very strong mental blocks when it comes to commands/control/influence (that does not come from an emotion). She worked very hard at strengthening this.
  • Telekinetic Barrier, mostly energy influenced/strengthened.
  • Ability boost



Not much is known about Evolith's past. She originally came from Aaeri and some how she managed to stay out of the systems of the faction, despite how gifted she was. Evolith told Nox she had been a "gutter rat". When she was fifteen she was accused of murdering Vor'Dayne who was a master within the city and a councilman. She admits to Nox that she did murder him and that she had stolen all the life force from his body. She referred to it as "quick" and said that she did not kill him out of maliciousness or thirst for power or position. After his murder, Evolith somehow was able to sneak out of the city through the sewer system and avoid capture. She tells Nox that she did so because she felt they might hang or and if they didn't hang her they'd surely force her into the system. To her that was just as much of a death sentence and that she was "done being controlled by others."

After she left Aaeri she traveled far from the Capitol. She stowed away on a ship to cross the sea and continued to move about. She had been staying in the old ruins that Nox found her in for almost a year which was the longest she'd ever remained in one place. She kept to herself and avoided all human contact. She had not seen another human in 10 months prior to Nox's arrival. The window sill she often sat in had strange markings carved into the stone; a series of vertical and horizontal cuts, like some sort of oddly patterned tally.

Evolith admits she does not sleep often; she usually only sleeps a couple of hours a night, and not for lack of want. While she may want to sleep, dreams plague her slumber and wake her in the night.

Evolith tells Nox that she was courted once by something that she had initially perceived as innocent. She mentions there was not a lot of touching; "He held my hand once or twice, but it wasn't what I thought it was."

Later she reveals that Vor'Dayne was her father, but she still doesn't seem to consider him or Icarus her family, and struggles with the concept or what family might be. She does mention that in killing him she was saving her own life; he'd buried a knife in her heart and she would have bled out, but also admits that she doesn't know who's anger and disgust she'd felt - his or her own. Evolith tells Nox that in her earlier years she always saw the walls of the order as a cage, and even if she had wanted to enter the order she would not have been allowed to. If her parentage had been revealed it would displease Vor'Dayne. In quiet thought, she had sometimes imagined what it might be like to have a family, perhaps from loneliness.

Evolith tells Nox that for a few years during her youth she was more or less a "puppet" or a "drone". She means it literally; her father specialized in generalized Iisha, and he would exert that will on her. He would make her do things she didn't want to; walk, speak, act - her body ceased to be her own. He would even use her to secretly kill competitors and those who might challenge him later.

“He tortured me – he and some of his friends. I imagine that many yet live; I wouldn’t be surprised if some had made it to positions of power and influence. He wanted to see just how much I could take. How many injuries I could heal; if I could tolerate the pain, can I regenerate my arm? Can I heal things done by blades or fire? Can I drown? Can I fall from great heights and live? And if he was feeling in the mood for it I couldn’t even scream.”

- - -

The 'Noise':

“It’s not really a sound…There are so many people; so many emotions, so many extremes of one or the other. They layer over one another, like people shouting over one another to be heard. Joy, despair, love, anger, hate, passion, desire, greed, disgust – Desire, passion, and anger – those are more consuming. It’s exhausting.”
“Sex has a way to block everything else out; every care, every worry, every noise.”

Compilations; "This was not then":

  • Could she trust Nox not to run off and leave her as ogre food? The last time she’d put so much faith into someone, she’d…No, she pushed the thought from her mind. This was not then.
  • The way he was looking at her; like he was looking down on her, with his nonsense command, it reminded her of familiar grey stern eyes. She had done nothing wrong! But she reigned that emotion in before it grew. This was not then, she reminded herself.
  • He snatched her up then and slammed her against the wall by her throat. Her fingers came up to claw at his hand and she kicked at him, trying to free herself as a few choking noises escaped her. Her Iisha lashed out again; she could make it stop again, she could drain---No! What? This was not then! She reigned herself back in again, trying to focus, trying to reign in all the noise and find herself within it.
  • Death follows you – every where you go death will always follow No. This was not then…
  • Maybe Evolith was still a poor judge of character, she realized. Maybe this was then.

I've got no strings
To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me

- - - - - -

Compilation; Eve's Dreams:

“You killed your mother.”

She could almost make out his features in the shadows; stern grey eyes, auburn hair. Her breath misted in the air, but she didn’t feel the bite of the cold. She felt like she could be sick; a pain gnawing at the left side of her chest, bile in her throat as disgust washed over her.

“You hear me? You killed her and now you’re killing me.”


When did she fall under? Hours later? Maybe. It was sometimes difficult to keep track or to stave off sleep. In her dream she was walking down a wide hall with rosewood walls and floors; each of her steps clicking in the silence.


She turned to face him. There was a chill down to her bones; as if it were so cold outside that she may never find warmth, a cold that makes you bitter, untrusting. Crystal blue eyes watched her beneath fair hair and after a moment he slid his hand beneath hers; threading their fingers lightly, “Is everything alright? Have you been dreaming again?”

Something about this was wrong, but in her dream she could not put her finger on it. His fingers came up to brush some of her hair from her skin; fair skin that was covered in dirt and soot, wiping some of it away. She tensed beneath his touch. “Eve?” His voice was different and as though she simply blinked he changed; taller now, a darker completion, familiar dreads framing his face as he watched her intensely. Suddenly startled she took a quick step back. She could kill him now – would he expect it? Was this too a trap? “Eve…” His voice was harder; tense and warning, startling to her ears.

No, because this was not then. She awoke with a bit of a start; a soft gasp escaping her as she sat up. The cold still gripped her; but then it always had, for a long time now. A chill raced down her spine, causing her to shiver. [i]This is not then…There are no strings on me.[/I]