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Serena Sinclair

Roleplay: "| Zodiac | - Closed -"

Player: Crystalline♥

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Serena Sinclair mainly comes off as a rather quiet and mysterious girl, but don't judge this book by its cover, dear. ♥



____Serena ​____


[ ] -- [ ] -- [×] -- [×] -- [ ] ​


Serena has a rather petite physique.​ She towers

at just 4'11'', and she weighs 102 pounds. Her _ 

skin is as white as snow, while her hair is as __ 

black as night. Her dark, silken locks fall long   

past her waist, and her eyes are an enchanting  

light blue hue.____________________________


Are you currently enrolled in high school?​
YES - - NO​
[×] -- [ ]​

If so, what is your reason for transferring to our school?

Serena's guardians figured_

that is was about time she_

entered public school. They

think she needs to learn to_

be more social.__________ 

She has her own reasons,__ 

too, though...___________ 

If you have been enrolled into high school, but are not currently enrolled, please state why.​




What year of high school are you currently in?​
1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH​
[ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [×]


Here in Armstrong High, we believe the key to a great future is the ability to learn at your own pace, within an environment that best suits you. Please keep in mind that this section is entirely optional, but it allows us to better know you so that when school starts, you will have everything you need that best fits you. The answers you put here will not affect your chances of getting accepted, so please try to answer them honestly.

There is a total of 10 questions.

Do your friends/peers come to you often seeking your advice?
[ ] -- [×]

Would you consider yourself independent or dependent on others?
[×] -- [ ]

Do you find chores annoying?
[ ] -- [×]

You consider yourself to be more active...
[×] -- [×]

You are depressed.
[ ] -- [×]

What's more important to you; your life, or your friend's? (Answer honestly)
[ ] -- [×]
The future is something you worry about constantly.
[ ] -- [×]
You feel as if this quiz is pointless.
[ ] -- [×]

Overall, you see yourself as being...
[ ] -- [ ] -- [×] -- [×] -- [ ]

Which do you prefer, the sun or the moon?
[ ] -- [ ]​


I hereby state that Armstrong High is not responsible for the lost of personal items or injuries that occur outside of school grounds. (excludes school trips) Armstrong High does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or any of the like.

I, _Serena Sinclair_, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Armstrong High, and is ready to enroll.
Date: October 25th, 2014



Those are just a few qualities that Serena possesses. Upon first impressions, one may believe that Serena is someone more on the quiet and antisocial side. She may even come off as cold and distant, due to the fact that she tends to keep people at arms length. Sure, she may be a girl of but a few words; and, sure, she may enjoy the company of books more than actual people. Still, she's not without a caring heart. She's the type of girl who can't leave that little stray kitten alone; the type that will go and feed the sweet creature every day and make sure it's alright. Just because she doesn't show this side often doesn't mean it's not there. It simply only comes out when someone or something is in need of it and deserves the gesture.

Even though Serena keeps most people at bay, it doesn't entirely mean that she doesn't want to be around them. She may not express it, but Serena does miss sharing a bond and connection with others. However, due to the fact that she's been with her Zodiac, Mei Ling, ever since she was a child.. A few side effects of their relationship have begun to set in. The more she ages, the more she feels like she's closing herself off. It's like there's this void growing in her chest where her heart used to be, and it enlarges more as time passes by. This makes it harder for Serena to feel most types of emotion; from happiness to sorrow and even anger. Though this makes it easier for Serena to clear her mind and focus, it's also a little.. dull.

Serena feels like an empty shell sometimes, but, regardless of this fact, she's managed to maintain her compassionate nature. It doesn't appear as frequently as some people may prefer, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Random acts of kindness help fill the void within Serena's chest, even though she may not feel as many blissful emotions as another would. She also has attempted to satisfy the emptiness within her by collecting hobbies, improving herself, and studying various subjects that interest her. Ever since Serena was a little girl, she's fancied all sorts of supernatural themes. From ghosts to aliens and all sorts of other spirits; she's been studying them and learning about them for as long as she can remember.

The more Serena learns and the more skilled she becomes, the closer she feels to being what most would call "happy". She doesn't entirely understand that emotion anymore, for all she can remember of it occurred years and years ago. However, she does understand what being content with who you are and your situation is like. Acceptance is one of Serena's good points, for she's not the type to brood and stress over meaningless things. She understands what is beyond her control, though she also addresses what is not. She knows that she may not be up to society's standards, but this doesn't bother her. Though she feels like pieces of her are missing, she doesn't mind being the way she is. She's completely content with it.

Serena tries her best to cope with all the things going on around her by surrounding herself with the things she loves. Some may see her as quite blunt and eccentric, for when it comes to her "passions", she doesn't care what anyone else thinks of them. If confronted about it, she'll express just how much she enjoys certain things to the best of her ability, though she may just seem like some emotionless robot when she speaks. Emotions don't come to Serena easily, but during the rare times when they do, it's quite the sight to see. She may not look it due to her mysterious and secretive aura, but Serena is actually a pretty honest girl when people give her the chance to be. With this one, don't make the mistake of judging her by her cover.

Equipment / Abilities

Serena, host of Mei Ling.

Active Abilities:
With the fan Mei Ling made for her, Serena's spiritual power is almost limitless. She can manipulate the very life energy and essence around her, able to give or take it away. She has a few loyal spirits she can summon should she need them, and they provide her with the energy she needs to perform certain actions. Her spirits represent the four classic elements; air, fire, water, and earth. Each individual can provide her with the energy to manipulate the elements, and together they can provide her with the energy of life. The five elements of the world are hers to bend.

Giving life energy results in rapid healing, increased stamina, and a strength and agility boost. She can do this to herself or someone else.

Taking life energy can result in something as little as fatigue to the inability to move entirely. In severe cases, it can even cause death or illness.

Feng of Air. This spirit provides the energy and power needed to control the element of air - from a gentle breeze to a great gale.

Huo of Fire. This spirit provides the energy and power needed to control the element of fire - from a small campfire to a raging inferno.

Shui of Water. This spirit provides the energy and power needed to control the element of water - from a mere puddle to a tidal wave.

Kun of Earth. This spirit provides the energy and power needed to control the element of earth - from tossing a rock to building a wall of earth itself.

Passive Abilities:
Serena is incredibly agile and flexible. With her naturally small body added to that, it's easy for her to make an escape or dodge incoming attacks. Serena is also able to control her state of mind very well, possessing a strong and stable mentality. Due to this, she has a very slight chance of ever hollowing. Serena also, thanks to the energy ever present in her being, never seems to feel fatigued or tired. (This means she has no need for sleep, which can be a plus or minus depending on the person.)

Negative Traits:
Serena may be light on her feet, but should she get hit, she'll take a lot of damage. Her physical body is frail despite her mental and spiritual strength. Also, as time goes on, she'll find that she'll lose her ability to feel common emotions. She'll grow distant and closed off, making it difficult to truly connect with those around her. Serena also cannot use her abilities properly unless she has a clear and unclouded mind. She must be completely in tune with her spirit in order to succeed.

Other Details:
Serena and Mei Ling's spiritual companions don't possess infinite amounts of energy. Eventually, they run out and have to return to their world for a while in order to regain it. Serena also isn't able to use nearly as much energy as Mei Ling is, so she can't do as much. She could use her own inner energy to complete certain actions, but doing so could result in grave consequences. Also, though Serena can take life from living beings, she cannot give life to beings who have passed on. If she were to attempt to do so, they would no longer be the person they once were. They'd be alive and animated, but hollow and unfeeling. 

She cannot replace the human soul.


This shall be revealed when the time comes~
Look forward to it, darling~


"What are you looking at?"

*nom nom nom*

Full Name:
Serena Lunette Sinclair.

Eye Color:
Light Blue.

Hair Color:

Skin Color:


102 lbs.

Age Appearance:

Actual Age:

Blood Type:

Caucasian and Chinese.

Sexual Orientation:

Relationship Status:

No one, at the moment.


4th Year Student (She skipped a grade).

Never has, never will.

Hasn't tried it, no.

February 21st.

To discover and understand all supernatural beings.

Secret Desire:
To be able to feel again; to truly connect with someone.

Favorite Color:
Blue, like the midnight or early morning sky.

Least Favorite Color:
Mustard-like yellow.

Favorite Ice Cream:
Butter Pecan or Vanilla.

Least Favorite Ice Cream:
None in particular.

Favorite Animal:
She loves cats, bunnies, and pandas the most.

Least Favorite Animal:
Cockroaches. She can't stand them.

Favorite Drink:
Warm beverages; like hot chocolate, warm tea, and coffee.

Least Favorite Drink:
Sparkling water. She doesn't get the logic behind it.

Favorite Food:
Anything fruity and sweet. Mandarins and cheese cake are among her favorite treats.

Least Favorite Food:
Spicy food doesn't catch her fancy. Her taste-buds are sensitive.

Serena may come off as mentally indestructible, but even she has her weaknesses. Should she actually form a bond with someone, and should that special person be in danger, she'll do whatever it takes to save them. She may not seem like this type, given the fact that she doesn't appear to care about many things, but she is. Her heart is a lot softer than one may notice, and she tries her very best to keep that information under lock and key. You never know when someone will seek to exploit it. This is one of the reasons why Serena keeps her distance from people, regardless of her desire to connect and bond with others one day.