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Pierpont "Piers" Gable

Roleplay: "Burn in ❖ Heaven"

Player: Havetvand

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THE MOCKINGBIRD - If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire...



Pierpont Gable, called Piers by his friends


While most individuals gifted with great magics are still simply human, Piers comes from a family rich with inbreeding in a desperate attempt to strengthen their connection to the arcane. Such incestuous fruit bears both great power and great shame, for the mark of a more "pure" mage is an inhuman look connected to their skills. In the unfortunate case of Piers, this young man must concentrate to remain standing in a solid form, and even then his hair and extremities often blur into a fine mist. His coloring is almost the same throughout his body, a blend of golden cream and seafoam blue tinting his flesh and hair and eyes alike.

Some of the more conceited of his family consider the alien appearance of their eyes and ears to be signs of a higher, nonhuman lineage, although such claims have long since been disproved. Still, with his unearthly voice and penchant to fly, it is no wonder some have nicknamed him "Angel", "Fairy Boy", and "The Banshee". 

  • Courteous
Perhaps linked to his abilities, or perhaps it is just who he is at heart -- there is nothing cruel or savage about this foggy young man. He treats others with great respect, and it takes some hard work to be put on his bad side... and even then, there is nothing to fear from him but silence.
  • Adaptable
It takes a lot to throw off Piers. Very little surprises or concerns him, and he often finds creative ways to solve problems. He is very understanding and takes it upon himself to learn more about strange or unusual subjects with which he is not familiar.
  • Cheerful
He's always in a good mood! A positive outlook breeds positivism, and many people enjoy being around someone who is always in the mood for a jape.

  • Slipshod
Sometimes always being up for anything means some details get lost in the cracks. While Piers can skate on by, the finer details of things tend to slip away from him, and his plans and work usually end up being just good enough, while never truly being masterpieces.
  • Flighty
Easily distracted, it doesn't take much for mist-boy to change his plans. His short attention span borders on ADHD at times, and he sees little wrong with changing his mind at the drop of a hat.
  • Cryptic
Sometimes Piers gets lost in his own mind. He has conversations with himself that make little sense, and he finds it hard to be entirely frank with people -- firstly, it's rude, and second... hey look, a chicken!

Equipment / Abilities
Ability - Pertinence
Upon great concentration, Piers can change his form to normal human solidity all the way to an incorporeal mist. While still retaining some of his tangible form, he can use this skill to attain a sort of hovering flight. Even when mixed in with rain or separated from himself, he can coalesce as one whole without incident.
Weakness: The slightest breeze can blow him away. If some of his mist is stored in an airtight container, he will not be able to reform wholly, and can choose to attempt to coalesce at the risk of being down a limb or organ.

Born to the wealthy family of Gable, Piers is the fourth generation of his family to have the strange physical mutations signifying his breeding. His mother and father (second cousins) are without the same strength, but his sister-aunt shows all signs of aquatic affinity, and his grandfather is renowned as "The Golem of Gable", for his rocklike appearance and mighty strength. While his family heralded his birth as a great boon to the line of Gable, he felt only awkwardness and shame at his source of power.

Upon admittance into the prestigious Heaven academy, young Piers hoped to find more aberrations like himself, but rumor had it that only Hell admitted those of such queer breeding -- and the gentle nature of the foggy young man was not the sort of brazen and battle-ready student that was looked for in the rival academy. It wasn't until the merging of the two schools that he found a chance to not, perhaps, be the only inhuman youth among his peers.

Currently the light-footed captain of the fencing club, Piers is known by sight by the once-Heavenly students. His sweet nature should ensure more friendships to come, even if his flaky, spacey personality might not make him the most brilliant of students.

Theme song: Night Courtyard from The Mists of Avalon