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[Faction]Xodal Dominion

Roleplay: "Nations of Fantasy"

Player: Traegen

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Xodal High Priest(his name is unknown referred to as high priest)
Dominant Race
The Ageless: A variety of demons who earned the right to leave hell through virtuous deeds in worship of their god. They do not age after their prime and are extremely religious. Are very diverse in appearance and ability, ranging from being part animal, to muscular red beasts, to small imps, or even simply a red colored human. 
The god of Sacrifice and Reward: The Ageless believe that through sacrifice their god will reward them. Whether it be sacrificing their time in service of their fellow Ageless, or sacrificing a cow at the altar they will be rewarded.  All Ageless are firm believers of this faith and do not question the hierarchy of priests. They believe in essentially giving up to receive. They will go out of their way to help someone, and are willing to go without in return for the greater reward of their god. 
Political Strength
The political strength of the High Priest is in part due to his symbolic position in religion and his actions as savior of his people.
Many have great respect for him and even more are loyal to him. But interpretations of religion often differ and certain Xodal disagree with his decisions. Thankfully, they are too few in numbers to oppose a resistance and continue to obey him, albeit nonchalantly.
Economic Tier
1st Tier
Wealth: 2
Faith: 5
20,000 Food
20,000 Gold
50,000 Info
Major Cities
Population Happiness
The Xodal are satisfied with their living, but the difficult history of their people brings them some degree of sorrow, some of the older Xodal also feel a great deal of melancholy, missing Hell which - although they are no longer welcome to - they still consider their home. 
Army Morale
3,000 Pikemen
3,000 Light Cavalry
3,000 Archers
500 Priests
10 Mages
3,000 Zealots
3,000 Horses
Siege Weapons
3 Battering Rams
2 Catapults
4 Cogs
4 War Galleys 
Unique Unit
 Over zealous worshiper dedicated to serving their god. Trained in protection of their country and priests for years. Due to the diverse and unique nature of each individual ageless their is a variety of weapons and armors within each group of zealots making them look like a rag tag (yet scary) village militia. Despite their appearance, they are very well trained and disciplined. They use guerrilla warfare tactics and an undying dedication to their religion and country to over come their adversaries. The variety in zealot's weapons, armor, and fighting styles makes it difficult for opponents to counter this group with any individual unit type. However, they also do not counter any individual unit type either. They are exclusively ground infantry so mounted or ranged units have a slight advantage over them. Zealots use surprise attacks and hit-and-run tactics to gain the advantage. Zealots are the Ageless' only ground infantry units.


Xodal High Priest:
 Ruler, very active among the people forgoing any formal guards when among his own subjects. When among foreigners is surrounded by the most elite zealots.

Equipment / Abilities
  • Magical Affiliation (fire)
  • Stamina
  • Ageless 
  • Undying loyalty (moral drops slowly)
  • War knowledge and advance war tactics
  • Physical strength
  • Corruption (corrupts land they conquer making it more like the infernal realm)
  • Magical Weakness (ice)
  • Can't swim
  • Simple minded (other than war)


The history of the Xodal Dominion in the mortal realm is relatively short but their history as a whole is very long.
 They originated in the Infernal realm that some refer to as hell. Originally formed by the more peaceable demons in worship of their god. However as the idea became more popular among demons and their numbers began to grow rapidly, the more destructive and evil demons began to attack and kill the Xodal people. But the evil demons did not count on the Xodal Dominion to retaliate. Their numbers had grown to be equal to these war loving demons and a civil war broke out. However the Xodal Dominion's lack of experience led to defeat after defeat. They began looking for a way to leave the Infernal realm. Though not a lot is remembered about this moment in history, the Xodal High Priest claims that a "great sacrifice" was made. What is known is that a section of the Infernal realm was transported to the mortal realm and became the islands currently occupied by the Xodal Dominion. Due to this "gift" from the gods due to the great sacrifice they decided to become known as one people instead of individual tribes of demons. Now known as the Ageless they are one people under the Xodal Dominion. They have only been in the mortal realm 2,345 years, and rarely leave the islands that came to this realm with them. They prefer peace despite their scary appearance and are simply improving their agriculture, economy, and other parts of their infrastructure.
Because Xodal was transported straight from hell, the land is harsh and fiery and only plants originating from hell can grow their. Which is exactly how the Ageless like it. However seeing a fiery piece of hell suddenly appear in the distance was quite concerning to the beings of the mortal realm. This led to many explorers coming back with tales of horribly evil creatures and when explorers stopped coming back even more mysteries and rumors grew. Soon all races avoided this mysterious land. The Ageless themselves did very little exploring and decided that this "gift" from their god was enough for them and they did not need to explore. This lack of contact has led to the Ageless being not involved in the politics and development of the other races. This independence has led to a very simple life for them with the only improvements being in agriculture for the Ageless. However the Ageless are growing over populated for their lands and are now preparing for a new age of contact and exploration hoping to be welcomed into this mortal realm among all cultures.
