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Richard Snow

Roleplay: "Global Preservation of Normality"

Player: Count The Trees

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"No, our methods are in no way morally just. Yes, they are entirely necessary."

Faction: GPN
White Division of America
Age: 52 (Birth 1961)
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 5'9" / 154 lbs
Hair Color: Brown, with specs of gray.
Eye Color: Blue

Agent Snow is of rather unassuming stature for someone of his high social rank. With a very thin, light body that looks as if it could be broken in two with little problem, a receding hairline and a low, rather sleepy voice, one would expect him to find him in an office somewhere, not in one of the most powerful positions America has to offer.

His demeanor is overall that of a very worn-out, tired man. The dark bags underneath his eyes and his voice hints at a long lack of sleep. However, no matter the situation, his eyes are very sharp and knowing. Many has described his stare as "Piercing" or "Invasive".

At first glance, Snow would appear as a very laid-back and relaxed individual. He does not seem to get worked up over anything, always keeping a calm, methodical viewpoint on most things happening around him. It is however made very clear that he takes his position very seriously and will be quick to lash out on anyone who dares to suggest otherwise. At this point, the person Richard Snow might as well not exist. He is Agent Snow of America's White Division, his entire life revolving around the Preservation.

However, underneath a relaxed demeanor, a paranoid mind has began developing. The constant stress of his job, along with the high position he is in is making Snow begin to see enemies everywhere. Countless people would want the position he is in, after all and he takes safety precautions to make sure nothing will happen to him. His constant, hidden worrying has lead to some rather unfavorable decisions down the line, but ultimately, he is a respected and capable leader and well deserving of the position he is in. He can also be rather cold, being fully aware of the inhuman acts the Preservation does, but simply not caring, dubbing it a "necessary evil for the greater good".

Additionally, Snow can be a highly charismatic individual when he wishes to be. When it comes down to it, he is the governmental "front" of the American GPN and is often the one explaining away more controversial events during interviews as "Senator Richard Snow". He knows how to trick people through carefully chosen wording and he has an easy time putting on the easily trusted "Father Figure" front. The worst thing one could do is underestimate Agent Richard Snow.

Equipment / Abilities

ID Cards: Richard Snow has at least two different ID Cards. One that identifies him as Richard Snow, White Division, his real identity and one that identifies him as Senator Richard Snow of the United States, the one he commonly uses with civilians.

White Division Master Key: A keycard that opens all electronic locks, turns off or on all alarms and can initiate or end a complete lockdown of every GPN Facility in America. Every White Division Agent has one, with their own unique code to go with it. This keycard is also the only key that can open the doors to the White Division Chambers in any GPN facility.

Amnesiacs: For some reason that he prefers not to share, Snow carries at least three doses of Amnesiacs wherever he goes. A special drug put together by GPN to make anyone who takes it forget everything they were a part of the last week. Usually used for removing civilian witnesses of the paranormal. Why does Snow carry these..?


Manipulation: Snow is a skilled manipulator. As a talented liar and actor, along with a very strategic mind, he knows well how to get people to listen to him and do what he wishes. However, inside GPN itself, due to his very high authority, he rarely has to use this ability.

Snow was reading into archeology in the past and quite a bit of that knowledge remains. After all, he was initially a member of the Green Division. He has quite a bit of knowledge about ancient culture and can quickly deduce the rough era of where an item is from simply by examining it.

Enhanced Strength:
Due to his paranoid mindset, Snow had himself injected with SP Serum, greatly enhancing his raw strength and stamina. However, due to his lack of training outside of the injection, he has not reached superhuman levels, unlike most Red and Yellow Division Agents. He is however at the range of a trained professional soldier, giving quite the surprise for anyone who tries to assault the thin man in his early 50s.

Enhanced Reflexes:
Due to his paranoid mindset, Snow had himself injected with the SR Serum, enhancing his reflexes and reaction speed. As a result, he will react and answer to incoming threats much faster then someone else with his background and training would, again, giving a surprise to any potential attacker.

Richard Snow was born in Chicago, 1961. Born into a wealthy family, he took a large interest for archeology and began studying it at age 13 and continued studying it for ten years. At the end of his studies, Richard, now a 23 years old man, began working for Museums and historians as an archeologist, quickly making a name for himself due to his accurate and fast results.

His talents eventually got him the attention of GPN and in 1992, when Snow was 31 years old,  he was taking in and given a simple question. "How far are you prepared to go to protect humanity?" He was taken to one of GPN's Research facilities and, once he understood the true nature of the world, he decided to do everything in his power to protect the world around him. He became a member of GPN's Green Division.

He served as a Green Division Agent for eight years, until year 2000. At the shift of the millennium, he had shown enough  leadership skills and responsibility to be picked out by one of the White Division Agents, promoting him to Violet Division. In a much higher and more duty-heavy position, Snow continued to work even harder, gradually losing contact with the world outside of the Preservation. By the end of 2009, after nine years of service in Violet Division for Snow, one of the White Division Agents died, the circumstances not leaked. Snow was seen as the most capable candidate and was promoted to White Division, where he has been sitting for three years.
