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Roleplay: "The unwanted (Restarted)"

Player: ArtNightshade

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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As night falls, the moon and the stars shine


Long black night hair, fair colored skin, and silver eyes. She stands at 5'4 and is very light on her feet. Also she has elf ears but is too shy to reveal them

Species: Demi-goddess/elf




Image when huntress:

Quiet but once you get to know her, she can be very talkative. She tends to help in which ever way she can possible.

Equipment / Abilities
Two knives, bow and arrow and healing

Luna is he is never without her bow and arrow and she's looking to see if she can work around the pets(animals) of the school even though she is a student herself. Some people have said that she might be the rare daughter of the goddess Artemis herself. Her father is an elf hunter so she got her ears and eyes from her father but everything else she looks like her mother. She met Star in a blizzard and little Star, scared and lonely befreinded Luna when she took care of him.


Character theme: Das Rad Des Schicksals(Wheel of Fortune) by E Nomine: http://youtu.be/asv8Z7n_sFM 


She has a pet white fox named Star who glows blue whenever scared or when danger is near

