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Dr. Fredrick Teslic

Roleplay: "Mental Hospital For The Sane"

Player: The Grim Pickler

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The secret sane doctor

Dark, short hair. 6' 3". Well built. He has no facial hair at all. Brown eyes. Peach colored skin. 24.

Serious. But when he has to act insane he's very fun loving and has little to no attention span. He wants to change how the world is, and he despises the insane people that think sane's are harmful. But he is a very good liar.

Equipment / Abilities
Skill: Lying, deception. Equipment: Stethoscope, lab coat, and a clipboard which he always has on him. But never a pen.

He was the only one in his family who was immune to the Telariak. When insanity became the norm, his parents kicked him out. He was 10. Due to this he grew up with a hatred towards insane people. When he heard about St. Alexander's he thought it would be a great place to find some sane people to stir a rebellion. Growing up on the streets gave him the know-how of deception, which made it easy to sneak onto the staff at the hospital.
