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Alexander Sebastian Klies

Roleplay: "Red Mist Chronicles"

Player: MMOgamer

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The Ghost



The Ghost-- Alexander Sebastian Klies-- former Crown Prince of Austria


Alexander Sebastian Klies, if you care to call me that… but most will simply refer to me as Ghost

Due to his heritage being kept under wraps, he does not reaveal his name to any others then the Phantom and the Masked.

WHAT IS YOUR GENDER?  “I have an X and a Y.” Male

WHAT IS YOUR ORIENTATION?  “I’m As heterosexual as can be.”


HOW MANY CANDLES IS THAT?  “I would say 21, but that would be a lie. I’m truthfully a hair under thirty.

WHERE ARE YOU FROM?  “I originate from Vienna, Austria.”


WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR?  “Varies on the time of the year. It goes from dark brown to a dirty blonde—winter to summer.

WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? “I look at women with dark eyes.”

WHAT IS YOUR BODY TYPE? 165 lbs/ 6’0” / Lithe

WHAT IS YOUR BLOODTYPE?  O-negative-- the universal donor.


RIGHT OR LEFT HAND? “Truly, I don’t really care. I’ve been forced to become ambidextrous.” Due to several wrist brakes, he was unable to use his left hand as a teen, and thus learned to write with his less-dominate right hand. He  still retained the finesse to write with his left though.


WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL FIRST DATE? “A simple one. Maybe dinner, but not anything fancy, and a good night—if you catch my drift.”

WHAT IS YOUR IDEA OF A PERFECT DAY? “One where people let me sleep, or else just give me time alone. Of course, I know that won’t happen until after we bring down the empire.”

WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR FREE TIME?  “Pfffftttt… free time… that’s funny. I have no free time. I can barely get a drink down my gullet before someone calls me for a meeting. Of course, I’ll still show up late.”


WHO IS YOUR IDEAL LOVER? “A woman who doesn't pester me about stupid things like how her hair looks. A person who is just as happy running a comb through their hair as much as they like getting all dressed up. They also can’t ask too many questions. ” 

WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A PARTNER? “Honesty and a  sense of MY personal space. They should know I don’t talk about my past. EVER.” 

ANY TURN-ON AND TURN-OFFS? “Hmmm… turn ons…. Well a good bust always helps, along with a generally good figure… But they have to have a brain too. I won’t date idiots. They also can’t ‘want to know more about me.’

ANY PET PEEVES? “Nosy people. If I trust you, I’ll tell you things. And prying is not a way to gain a person’s trust.”


WHAT IS ONE ADJECTIVE THAT BEST DESCRIBES YOU?  ”Secretive. I don’t talk about my past, or Anything about myself for that matter. I would say the Phantom and the Masked would share this description.”

HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS DESCRIBE YOU? “You mean Striker and Masked? Because they’re the only people I’d call friends. Well they’d say I was dedicated, I hope. Then again, I can’t read their minds.”

HOW WOULD YOUR FAMILY DESCRIBE YOU? “My family is dead—or as good as—but my ‘colleagues’ would probably describe me as ‘A no good vagabond who shouldn’t be allowed so high up in an organization like this.’ And if you ask them, tell me if I’m right.“


WHAT IS YOUR POLITICAL BELIEFS? “Britannia must fall. It is a completely corrupt system of government. They take over by means of fear.”

WHAT ARE YOUR VALUES? "All men should be able to govern themselves. All men should be equals. All men should have the right to practice any faith in their own way. So basically, I could fit right in with that Western Dominion. Oh and by ‘men’ I mean all people.”

ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? “Eh…. I don’t really have problems with religion, but I can’t say I have time to believe. I think something controls this shitty world, but I can’t say any one religion is right.”

Equipment / Abilities

IN A TEAM, ARE YOU A LEADER OR A FOLLOWER? “ I've always followed Striker. I can lead, but no one ever put me in that position before.”

DO YOU HAVE A MACHINA? IF SO, WHAT KIND? “I don’t have A machina, but two. One is a fire-based, the other wind.

DO YOU OWN A WEAPON? IF SO, WHAT KIND? ”I carry a pair of hand guns and a rifle. I also have a rarely-used sword.”

PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES AND MACHINA ABILITY. “I can duel wield by the way. I have a good control over both of them and I know how good I am. Anyway, I tend to use the Machinas in combination, meaning that I knock them down with a gale of wind with a bit of fire mixed in. Like Pentecost. That’s what I call that little move, just so you know. My physical abilities are good too. I’m not extremely strong, but I’m agile and can keep fighting for longer than most. For all intents and purposes, I’m a machina and distant weapon fighter. I don’t usually get in the main battle. I can use a sword if needed.”


WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT OCCUPATION? “Member of the Order. I don’t have time for a REAL job.”

WHAT IS THE WORST JOB YOU HAD EVER HAD? “A Rose Guard. That completely went against my morals.”

WHAT IS THE BEST JOB YOU HAD EVER HAD?  “I was a mechanic once. For like two months. That was before the Rose guards though.” Right after Austria’s fall, Alexander was forced to join the Rose Guards.


WHERE IS YOUR IDEAL HONEYMOON? “Secluded island or a private beach. Somewhere beautiful. And warm. With plenty of love making of course.”

WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL WEDDING? “Small ceremony, nothing overly fancy. Small wedding party.”


ARE YOU A CONVICTED FELON? “As far as Britannia is concerned, I’m dead. So, as far as Alexander is concerned, no.  But ‘the Ghost’ IS --  due to his relationship with the Order.”

