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Wenda Rhym

Roleplay: "Generation 2"

Player: Gess Jahd

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Elite girl who likes to hear things but not think.

About 170cm tall, long ash blonde hair and light brown eyes. Clearly a young woman and weighing about the same as an average model. Has shockingly "normal" clothes and is very clean - both things that tell about her placement in the society.

To all who have no closer contact with her, Wenda is a sweet and polite girl that never complains and does more with her life than many in the safe city Wunsch. She makes friends easily and knows the right things to say in happiness and sorrow.

How ever, when something has once rooted in Wenda's head it barely ever can be changed or remodeled. She sees everything her father or his friends say to be extremely smart unless it goes against something earlier learnt. She doesn't have personal opinions neither Wenda questions things she hears as long as they come from someone she respects.

Wenda isn't stupid but she never had to develop her own mind when everything has been offered for her on a silver plate. She simply sees herself to be always right and easily puts others in the category of stupid and slow.

Equipment / Abilities
Wenda gets a lot of priviledges from being so nice to every acquaintance and her good reputation spreading before her. She knows a lot of gossip and news even when can't compute them in her own brain to develop a bigger scale image of Wunsch and the zombie disease.

Wenda's past times are helping others with their chores, talking and anything that helps her to get the acceptance of higher-ups as well as her father and older brother.

Wenda really doesn't have any special skills and if she was left alone with the infected she'd probably die.

She has a lot of things that normal inhabitants of havens don't - shampoo, a couple of sets of clothes, make-up, comics and a room with actual furniture and decorations.

Wenda is one of those people who doesn't remember time before the time of zombie disease spreading around the world. The infected are very distant thought for her as she's been kept as safe and sound as possible with money and power of her father and brother. She basically knows things could be different but it's hard to miss something you can't remember.

Wenda's family arrived in the Wunsch when the disease hadn't yet reached Europe. Her father guessed right about the "influenza" being a lot more serious than they originally let people believe so he got a transfer in Germany. When the things started falling down in Europe too he made sure to be part of all the right organizations and clubs to get as safe as possible with his family. A little later after the Humanity Project kicked off (members of Humanity Project get called as Elite by the commoners of havens) mother of Wenda's flew back to United States to help on a project with the vaccination.

There has been no word from Wenda's mother but she strongly believes that her mother will return and she'll get to know her eventually.
