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The Dark Souls

Will you become the chosen undead? More importantly, would you rekindle the First Flame, or will you snuff it out and begin the Age of Dark?...Or will you simply do nothing, and let time take its course?......

Tags: action, adventure, arpg, dark fantasy, dark souls, demons, medieval, swords and magic, text roleplay, undead

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: Kaizersosa

Created: 04-19-2016, 01:11 PM


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It was said that one day a chosen undead will ring the bells of awakening and learn the fate of the undead.  In this perilous world, time and space is convoluted and unexpected allies and enemies will be encountered throughout your adventure.  As the potential chosen undead, you must wade through these obstacles and seek your place and purpose in this unforgiving world.

Remember, every decision you make will affect how your journey unfolds...


1. General rules applied, no god-moding, etc.

2. Please discuss questions with the creator before making changes to your character and his/her experiences.
3. Deaths will occur, however if this is against your wish please discuss it with me beforehand.

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