HOW TO: Start a Full-Feature Roleplay
Feeling a little intimidated or confused by the way the full-featured rpgs work? It never hurts to look at a walk-through! This guide will show you what you need to know when creating an RP.
Last edited by Knerd; 03-16-2014 at 05:13 PM.
Getting Started: New Roleplay
Creating a new RP is simple. Just look for the "New Roleplay" button!
The easiest way to do this is by clicking on the "Roleplays" tab at the top of your screen, then finding the "New Roleplay" button underneath it.
The "New Roleplay" button will also appear underneath your My Roleplays tab - No matter how you choose to access it, this button will take you to the same page and allow you to start creating your very own RP.
Last edited by Knerd; 03-16-2014 at 05:13 PM.
Fill in the Key Info
Here is the fun part - Creating a profile for your roleplay!
The New Roleplay page offers you a ton of available spaces to expand on your RP's setting, plot and any advertising that will be geared towards other users. Here, among several other options, the key pieces of information that you'll definitely want to fill in are:
- Title
- Description (2-3 lines that give an overview of your RP)
- Thumbnail (To be displayed with the title)
- Tags (So that users can find your RP through the search engine)
- Player Level (Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced)
- Introduction
- Rules
Never fear - There are a lot of spaces to fill in on this page, but you don't need to write up everything! The amount of information that you choose to add is up to you. Some users may write entire books within their RP profile while others may leave most sections blank. Everything is fine. There's no set way to fill in these spaces, so feel free to interpret each heading in whatever way best suits your needs and interests.
Just remember that if you'd ever like to have your RP featured on the site, it needs to include an icon and well-developed introduction.![]()
Last edited by Knerd; 03-16-2014 at 05:13 PM.
Lots 'O Extra Options
Now that the main pieces of information are all filled in, it's time to look at all those other options that the New Roleplay screen is offering you!
The range of information that you can enter here is a bit confusing and overwhelming at first, so let's break down each remaining section:
Initial Place
This is the “first place” in your RP’s Game World. If your game is set in the Naruto universe, perhaps the location is the ninja village. An RP about Miss Waterson’s Charm School may have the school itself by the Initial Place, or perhaps the host wants to start with Miss Waterson’s Office. For more ideas on this, check out the “Tips for Your Game World” guide.
This option is available because WTFRPG allows you to use multiple locations in your Game World at once. If you find this confusing or just plain want your RP to take place in one location at a time, you may just want to name the Initial Place something simple, like repeating the name of your game or naming the location where all of the action will take place.
Adult Oriented
Is your game something that has strong adult themes such as violence, sex, sensitive issues; etc? If so, please select “Yes”
You must be a member of the Adult usergroup to use this option! To change your usergroup, visit “Settings” > “My Settings” > “My Account” > “Permission Groups”, then click the “Join Usergroup” radio button and the “Join Group” button. You must be 18+ to join this group.
Character Approval
Do you want to moderate character bios? If you mark “Yes”, then all new characters will have to be approved by you (or your co-host(s)). If you mark “No”, then each character is automatically approved and their users can start to play immediately.
This is entirely a personal preference as a game host. Some people prefer moderation so they can make sure characters follow the game’s character creation rules and fit within the game. More free-form, anything-goes games may prefer no moderation.
Pending Approval Notification
If you have selected "Yes" to moderating characters, you can choose to be notified in some manner if there is a new character awaiting moderation. This is a good idea so that you don't end up accidentally ignoring any players who wish to join your RP.
Just select the method you prefer from the drop-down list. The default is "no notification".
Maximum Players
Looking for a specific number of players for your game? If you're, say, making a game based on the Chinese Zodiac, you can set your max to “12.” This will cause the game to automatically close to new players once you have a dozen.
Leaving it at “0” will allow an unlimited number of players to join.
Don’t worry - you can always change this if you change your mind. Just note that setting a number here will not limit how many characters are created for the game, just the number of players.
New Players
If you want to keep the game closed to new players and prevent new people from signing up, you can mark it as “Closed”. This will let people know that you are not currently accepting any participants.
What information do you want players to know about your setting?
Fan-based games may not need to say anything more than “This RP is set after the series ends” or “This is an alternate universe where episode 24 never happened and blah blah blah...” But original games can always use this space for detailed explanations about the different countries or factions that a character may be from, or information about the different types of magic that exists.
Fill this section up with whatever you think is important about your story and game world.
This is one of the larger sections that you can fill in with as much information as you want: What info is necessary for a player to know about creating characters in your RP?
This is where you can say if there are any special rules for characters, such as, “Your first character must be a student” or “Though the setting has a lot of vampires, you cannot join the game as a vampire.”
If there are different races in the game, make sure that you share all that special information and give users a good idea of what is allowed, what isn't, and how they can create a character that best suits your game.
Last edited by Knerd; 03-16-2014 at 05:13 PM.
Developing Your Game World
After finishing up your RP's profile and hitting “Save Roleplay,” it's time to build your Game World!
Click on the Game World tab. Here is where you'll see a list of settings that exist in your game. Think of these different links as various locations within your RP.
To create a new location, click on the "New Place" button:
This New Place page will give you the options of adding another location to your game world. Here, you can fill in:
Saving this Place will add a new location to your Game World and allow players somewhere new to post.
- Place Name
- Parent Location (Do you want it grouped with other locations? Or is it independent?)
- Player Access (Do you want players to see this location? Do you want to lock it?)
- Place Image (Upload an icon so we know what this place looks like!)
- Description (1-2 lines explaining the setting)
Be as detailed or as vague as you want! Creating multiple locations can give players the chance to participate in various timelines at once, or play different characters who may not interact with each other. Small Game Worlds have some positive aspects too, like creating a close-knit community of characters who keep all action contained within one easily viewed thread. Experiment a bit to see which RP style suits you best.![]()
Last edited by Knerd; 03-16-2014 at 05:13 PM.
Congratulations on your new game!
Hooray! Now you have a shiny new game to play with. Click on Characters to create the character you'll be playing with, Game Log to make a new post, or click on OOC to visit your Out-of-Character thread and talk with other users. You've done the hard part, so now comes the fun!
Having trouble figuring out where to go next? Good thing we've got some other guides to help you:
[How To] Create a Character
[Managing Roleplays] - What do these buttons do? (For Game Hosts and Co-Hosts)
[Tagging Tips] - Using Tags wisely.
[Tips to Gain Players] - How to successfully advertise your game.
[Locations and Layouts]- Tips For Your Game World
Last edited by Knerd; 03-19-2014 at 10:37 PM.