Random Character Generators are fairly common, but online services are often created to inspire writers or artists more often than roleplayers. Tabletop games sometimes have random tables to use dice with to create NPCs (non-player characters). The results can be either interesting or hilarious.
Here's your chance to create a completely random character, using 24 different sets of characteristics (the 25th is a wildcard, allowing you to choose which of the others to use or make up your own).
How to Play
Feel free to interpret the results the way that suit you best. For example, if you roll up Job/Role #24, the result is "sailor or otherwise makes living by the sea/water" - you might decide that your character designs surfboards or is a fishmonger's wife or apprentice sushi chef. Don't forget you can adjust the setting/time to make your results more interesting. What happens if you change your results from a fantasy setting to a sci-fi setting? Does that change how you interpret the results?
Consider this a challenge! You may not like the results you get, but try working with it until you get a character you find interesting.
Use the table in the next post in combination with the dice codes in the third post, and then write a character profile (bio) based on the results. (It is recommended that you post the code and then write the bio, editing it into the post with the dice roll, though you could just as easily roll the dice elsewhere and just share the results. You should make clear which results you got, as that's half the fun of sharing!)
Post the resulting bio to this thread and share! Feel free to use your resulting character however you like (including not using it at all) and post as often as amuses you.
A: Aspect of Personality B: Gender & Age C: Job/Role D: Prop or Quirk E: Color(s) (1) strong-willed (1) female child (1) warrior/ fighter/ mercenary (1) carries a sword or other weapon (1) red (2) silly/ ditzy (2) female teen (2) priest/ shaman/ clergy member (2) has a strange or unusual pet (2) rainbow colored (3) clown/ prankster/ joker (3) female adult (3) magic user (3) has a strange or unusual hat (3) black and white (4) mature/ serious (4) aged female (4) captain of a ship/ vessel (4) wears a wig (4) tan (5) dreamer (5) male child (5) leader of a team (esp. military) (5) uses a cane or walking stick (5) a faded color (6) idealistic (6) male teen (6) government or law worker (6) carries or wears a locket (6) mauve or raspberry (7) stoic (7) male adult (7) artist (7) wears a special ring (7) dark grey (8) flirty/ playful (8) aged male (8) food worker (chef, cook, green grocer; etc) (8) wears feathers in daily wardrobe (8) jade (9) bright/ sunny/ cheerful (9) genderless child (9) entertainer (dancer, musician; etc) (9) wears capes or cloaks (9) peach (10) warm-hearted (10) genderless teen (10) teacher/ educator (10) wears inappropriate or highly unusual footwear (10) ivory or beige (11) sexy/ vampish (11) genderless adult (11) full-time parent and/or homemaker/ chatelaine (11) wears an item or items of clothing anarchistic to the setting (ex: a space helmet on a fantasy kingdom's farmer) (11) a neon color (12) chronically lost and/or clueless (12) aged genderless (12) household servant (maid, butler; etc) (12) carries a box (12) aqua or turquoise (13) angsty/ sullen (13) transgender child (13) merchant or salesperson (13) carries tools of their trade, even out of context of working (13) copper (14) fiery temper (14) transgender teen (14) office worker or business person (14) wears glasses or equivalent (14) brown (15) suspicious or extremely cautious (15) transgender adult (15) farmer, rancher or field worker (15) wears lots of jewelry (15) pink (16) shy (16) aged transgender (16) doctor, surgeon, or healer (16) tattooed or body painted (alternately, wears heavy make-up) (16) green (17) skittish/ timid (17) androgynous child (17) works with animals (17) has a strange or unusual name (17) blue (18) grumpy or snappish (18) androgynous teen (18) engineer or builder (18) always seems uncomfortable in formal/ festival clothes (18) grey or silver (19) paranoid (19) androgynous adult (19) artisan/ crafts-person (19) gives nicknames to everyone they meet (19) yellow (20) guileless/ innocent (20) aged androgynous (20) sanitation worker (20) has an unusual vocal characteristic (perhaps speaks too loudly, has an accent, whistles; etc) (20) gold (21) corrupt/ liar/ a thief (21) gender-shifter child (21) tailor, seamstress, weaver or fashion designer (21) tells tall tales or over-exaggerates (21) purple (22) careless (22) gender-shifter teen (22) leader or ruler (royalty, president, village head; etc) (22) has a very unusual belief (and they may be right) (22) white (23) brave (23) gender-shifter adult (23) adventurer or explorer (23) heir or owner of a large property or fortune (23) orange (24) gullible (24) aged gender-shifter (24) sailor or otherwise makes living by the sea/water (24) loves colors and patterns in dress (perhaps disastrously so) (24) black (25) wildcard (25) wildcard (25) wildcard (25) wildcard (25) wildcard
Last edited by RedAxle; 07-06-2011 at 06:40 AM.
Here are the codes of how to use these tables.
For the basic results of using the entire table once, use the code below. Posting this code will result in a random result from 1-25 from each table.
A: [DICE]25[/DICE]
B: [DICE]25[/DICE]
C: [DICE]25[/DICE]
D: [DICE]25[/DICE]
E: [DICE]25[/DICE]
If you're not interested in some of the 'gender' or 'age' options, you can always alter the number of sides of the dice for roll "B" to only the results that interest you. The code below will produce results 1-25 for tables A, C & D, but only 1-8 for table B. That could be all the male/female gender results, or perhaps select combinations. (If altering the age/gender options, you may wish to make note of what you removed from the options in your reply.)
A: [DICE]25[/DICE]
C: [DICE]25[/DICE]
D: [DICE]25[/DICE]
E: [DICE]25[/DICE]
Wish to have more choices from a table? You can alter the number of dice rolled for each, just by changing the number of dice. The following code will give you three results for A, one each from B, C & E, and two choices for table D. This could be used as an "either/or" or "and" option. (For example, perhaps you're challenging yourself to make all three personality aspects work together for the same character, but giving yourself an option between either of the results for prop or quirk.)
A: [DICE=3]25[/DICE]
B: [DICE]25[/DICE]
C: [DICE]25[/DICE]
D: [DICE=2]25[/DICE]
E: [DICE]25[/DICE]
Here is an example roll and post:
a: The 25-sided dice lands on 12
b: The 25-sided dice lands on 15
c: The 25-sided dice lands on 18
d: The 25-sided dice lands on 4
e: The 25-sided dice lands on 6
EDIT: "chronically lost and/or clueless", "transgender adult", "engineer or builder", "wears a wig", "mauve or raspberry".
Character: Sam Mason
Setting: Sci-Fi
Use: I intend to use her one day.
Bio: Sam is a typical pod baby born during the Ultron Era. Pod children were a fairly new technology during that time and while producing consistently healthy children in bio-mechanical wombs had been achieved, the calibrations were still being figured out and all pod children had unusual genetic results.
Along with strange omissions in genetic code (Sam, for example, was born with mauve colored eyes, is physically incapable of growing hair and has worn a wig since childhood), most pod babies during that time were born either without sexual organs or with both. Genders were typically chosen by the parents when the children were extremely young. Sam was one of the ones with both sets of sexual organs and was assigned female at the age of three after showing a great deal of interest in typically 'female' childhood playthings.
Sam has never resented being assigned as female, but shows no interest in being a 'typical' female. In fact, Sam prefers not to identify as either gender, if it can be helped. In clothes, interest, and even body language and voice, most people come to an embarrassed and confused stammer when attempting to address Sam. Sam doesn't mind. With the Ultron Era having produced so many pod children, gender identity is even more fluid than ever before, so Sam's personal identity was never tied to gender.
Like all pod children, Sam was designed to have enhanced in-born qualities. The Masons indicated they preferred a child who would be able to follow them into the engineering field, and Sam was perfectly wired to do so. Thankfully for all concerned, Sam loves it and is happy to follow the family profession (not all pod children are actually interested in what their brains are wired to be good at - another source of stress on the typical family with pod children).
No one really knows if Sam's chronic problem of getting lost even in familiar places is a result of more genetic problems caused by being a pod child, or if it's just a personal quirk. Sam doesn't even find it embarrassing anymore to find that a five minute commute home has resulted in being found hours out of the way. Sam often quips that the unintended side-trips have been eye-openers on different building styles in the sector and overall, pleasant experiences.
Maneki Neko
"To respect the (shark)cat is the beginning of the aesthetic sense."
- Erasmus Darwin
just hafta try this ^_^! I'll build the character when I get home from work, but here are the 'stats'
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 10
B: The 25-sided dice lands on 17
C: The 25-sided dice lands on 10
D: The 25-sided dice lands on 24
E: The 25-sided dice lands on 4
paranoid adult male artisan/crafts person who uses a cane or walking stick and is associated with the color pink. Easy peasy ;p fantasy character is so gonna come out of this
Character: Nikko
Setting: Fantasy
Use: I'd love to play him.
Bio: Nikko was born the son of a peasant woman with questionable parentage and no known father. This made him unworthy of even a last name and set him up for ridicule at an early age. He was a creative boy though, and friendly to locals and strangers alike. He had faith in humanity as a child at least.
Just as he reached apprenticeship age (approximately six in his home village, a village with many children of that generation and much competition) the unclaimed son of the town 'widow' was in an unfortunate accident involving an alchemists bottle slipping out of some one's hand and crashing into his face. He suffered serious chemical burns which turned his eyes an odd shade of pink and robbed him of sight completely.
With no chance of being trained in a useful skill, he was sent home to his mother and expected to be as useless as the aging woman. This horrible incident brought new levels of paranoia to the youthful boy and caused him to distrust all strangers for many years. Yet he did not become a complete recluse and failure as the town's people assumed he would have. Instead, over several years, and with increasing confidence, he taught him self the lay of the land with the guidance of a sturdy walking stick, and gained a strange, almost unnatural feel for the local wood
By his teen years, Nikko could often be found carefully moving through the thick forests well before dawn, harvesting strange pieces of twisted wood that the trees seemed to offer over to him. As a young adult, he has become known for his amazingly intricate pieces of furniture that some how hold together almost of their own accord and take on such curving shapes that one might mistake them for living creatures. He is still paranoid about strangers and rarely sells his works, as though saving them for the truly deserving.
Last edited by Aerion; 07-06-2011 at 11:47 PM.
It's good that the issue with dices being re-rolled when edited!
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 15
B: The 25-sided dice lands on 19
C: The 25-sided dice lands on 22
D: The 25-sided dice lands on 19
E: The 25-sided dice lands on 17
Fiery temper, Aged male, Merchant or Salesperson, Has an very unusual belif, Wildcard: I chose Green.
Name: Henry Lumberson
Setting: Fantasy/Medival
Use: I do not intend to use him at this time.
Henry was the son of Gordon, an ordinary man in the land of Tedran. Henry was descendant of a long family life. His family had for generations been lumberjacks and cut down, as well as processed, lumber for the people of Tedra. However Henry early recognized his good skill when it came to counting and selling. His father tried as long as he could to keep Henry within the family business but one day he left.
During his life he sold many things, some legal and some illegal. What got him most in trouble was his fiery temper however. He often started to argue with people in the taverns, on the roads, outside of the temples or on streets about a variety of things. He got the scars to prove it.
Henry has an unusual belief, he believes in the Spirits of Askaara. Askaara is said to be a world that exist inside our own but invisible for mortal eyes. Most people doesn't believe in Askaara or its spirits. Even mages and witches snorts at the very possibility of its existence.
One time when he was very drunk and got into a fight with another customer at the local tavern. He lost the battle and cursed the other man with vengeance of the Askaara Spirits. Usually Henry kept his belief to himself but this time a woman he fancied had seen the battle and he was most embarrassed. The other man then dared Henry to find any proof of the spirits. Not thinking clearly, Henry accepted and went into the woods. He walked around for hours until he find a ruin. It was only 3 arches left. In each arch a gemstone was placed; one red, one green and one yellow. As Henry likes green he went to that arch. He just reached it before a great tiredness overwhelmed him and he fell asleep.
In his dream he dream of a little shop he had seen. He didn't have the money to buy it and not the good to earn money to buy it. In this dream however he owned the shop and the woman he fancied was his wife. It was an happy dream. Then he got approached by a woman in the dream. She asked if he liked his life and Henry said he did. She then asked how he had got it and Henry answered that with hard work he had earned it. The woman then asked if that was true. Henry shook his life and admitted that it was all he wanted but he couldn't get it and he would never do. The woman said she was impressed with his dedication and that he deserved it.
When Henry woke up there was a bag near him. As he opened it he saw a emerald and some money. He recalled his dream and what he had done yesterday. Looking around the three arches was nowhere to be found. However some skeletons where. Henry thought that the Spirits of Askaara had heard him ans seen him and then rewarded him. He went back to town and met the girl he fancied. She was distraught as the other man had been horrible to her yesterday. From that day they were a couple. Henry bough the shop and set up his business.
Now he can be found inside of the shop attending the customers while his sons tells him to step back and retire. He has a lovely family.
Author's Note(s): Is it any good?
Last edited by Brook V; 07-06-2011 at 09:43 PM.
a: The 25-sided dice lands on 12
b: The 25-sided dice lands on 18
c: The 25-sided dice lands on 8
d: The 25-sided dice lands on 15
e: The 25-sided dice lands on 4
(12) chronically lost and/or clueless ; (18) androgynous teen ; (8) food worker (chef, cook, green grocer; etc) ; (15) wears lots of jewelry ; (4) tan
I will edit this after I finish LOL'ing. xDDDD
Sounds like fun!
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 7
B: The 25-sided dice lands on 15
C: The 25-sided dice lands on 8
D: The 25-sided dice lands on 7
E: The 25-sided dice lands on 7
Sexy/vampish genderless child (!!) wildcard who wears capes or cloaks, colored jade.
I may just add this character into Sunshine Destiny Miracle Island Academy.![]()
Last edited by Knerd; 07-06-2011 at 10:24 PM.
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 13
b: The 25-sided dice lands on 15
c: The 25-sided dice lands on 17
d: The 25-sided dice lands on 5
e: The 25-sided dice lands on 20
It's not working for me... and I am too meh to figure out why right now! Will return in the morning!
And I hope you have not a single still moment.
A. The 25-sided dice lands on 7
b. The 25-sided dice lands on 4
c. The 25-sided dice lands on 1
d. The 25-sided dice lands on 7
e. The 25-sided dice lands on 23
And I hope you have not a single still moment.
a. The 25-sided dice lands on 17
b. The 25-sided dice lands on 8
c. The 25-sided dice lands on 22
d. The 25-sided dice lands on 9
e. The 25-sided dice lands on 25
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 15
b: The 25-sided dice lands on 10
c: The 25-sided dice lands on 1
d: The 25-sided dice lands on 25
e: The 25-sided dice lands on 23
Careless, Aged androgynous, works with animals, heir or owner of a large propriety or fortune, black & white.
Character:Vaan Oswald
Setting: Fantasy
Use: Perhaps in the future
Description: In his early sixties, Vaan inherited the fortune of his deceased uncre Renard Oswald, captain of the dragon riders. Following in his footsteps, the androgynous young boy eventually overcame his rather feminine appearance and made it as captain himself, with riches a plenty and a fantastic army of dragon riding knights, Vaan became one of the most feared men in the land.
However, aging was not easy on Vaan. As the years came his hair took shades of white, his nails took to blacker colors and he became increasingly careless with experience, contrary to what most came to believe.
Author's note: Done in 5 minutes.
Last edited by AlexSilverX; 04-25-2013 at 07:50 PM. Reason: Dice roll results.
Love this! My results are:
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 22
B: The 25-sided dice lands on 23
C: The 25-sided dice lands on 10
D: The 25-sided dice lands on 12
E: The 25-sided dice lands on 24
Last edited by Inamoratta; 06-06-2013 at 09:37 PM.
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 25
B: The 25-sided dice lands on 19
C: The 25-sided dice lands on 11
D: The 25-sided dice lands on 23
E: The 25-sided dice lands on 13
Character to be developed shortly.
A: The 25-sided dice lands on 5
B: The 25-sided dice lands on 19
C: The 25-sided dice lands on 1
D: The 25-sided dice lands on 14
E: The 25-sided dice lands on 2
Let's see what comes up!