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Guns of Camelot

The sword gives way to the gun, technology replaces magic, and after a thousand years since its beginning, Camelot still stands strong... yet dark forces are rising and bad times are on horseback......

Tags: action, adventure, arthurian, camelot, fantasy, gun, gunslinger, knights, legend, magic, medieval, romanticism, western

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: rumxcoke

Created: 02-26-2013, 05:15 PM


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The current king of Camelot, Gunther Pendragon, and his son, Edgar, have gone to Avalon with a host of Gunslingers to aid Morgana in the fight against a rising warlord known only as the Goblin King.

The Merlin has been left behind to rule the kingdom in Gunther's stead as the refugees from Avalon arrive in droves, and troubles begin to arise in the land of Arthuria.

The war in Avalon has created an atmosphere of tension amongst the people, but in time it won't be the only thing to worry about, for dark days are ahead and too few will realize before it's too late. Where will you stand in all of this?


note that these are more like guidelines than actual rules

1. I'll allow some swearing, particularly if it's in a character's character to swear like a sailor, but try not to get too crazy.

2. No one-liners... just kidding, I'm actually okay with those, but do rub some funk into your posts from time to time at least.

3. Do check the spelling and grammar of your posts, and see to it that everything makes sense. Always a good thing to do.

4. Feel free to go at your own speed here, but try to post at least once a week before, well, read the actual rule at the bottom.

5. If you have questions or problems, pm me about it. I'll see what I can do.

6. Standard site rules I guess. No trolling, spamming, bumping, pornography, etc.

Now here's an actual rule: When the main story goes for a whole week without new posts, I make it fast forward a bit whilst keeping in mind what certain characters would do in certain situations, essentially making them NPC's until their owners tell me when they're ready to write again and make a post. The same rule applies for individual characters that're involved in current events. If you're unhappy with whatever I make your character do after a week of inactivity, tell me about it ASAP before it gets set in stone and what's done is done. Just know however, that I'll do my best to keep your character's actions in character. A decently fleshed out personality would really help out with that, otherwise we can talk about it though PM or Skype.

This rule does not apply for side stories, which only exist in the first place for characters that aren't currently involved in the main storyline. This rule also does not apply when I'm the one keeping everyone up.

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