Aria struggled to maneuver the last of her boxes into her new apartment. She had gotten the news about her new job at the last minute and hadn't arrived in time for the first day of classes so she was rushing to settle into her apartment in time to be well rested for the next day of classes.

Setting the heavy container down on the kitchen counter, the brown haired young woman looked around in satisfaction. All her things had been carried up from the car. Thankfully the apartment was already furnished so she hadn't needed a great deal of time to pack. All that was left was to unpack and she could do that over a couple of days time.

Pushing her glasses up on her nose, the petite woman stretched the kinks out of her back and set about opening the various cartons stacked around the room. "Where are my clothes..." She mumbled, trailing off into an inquisitive little tune that continued as her search led her into her bedroom.