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41 Visitor Messages

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    Yo yo yo, happy birthday <3
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    Made a character driven domestic gangster roleplay if you wanna join.

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    Happy Birthdaaaaaay!
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    Happy birthday
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    That works for me! And Froth, being a father, wouldn't just leave someone who's younger than him in the woods alone, so he just started tagging along and helping the guy out
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    You know, we should probably work on this back story. I'm thinking, since Froth is from the very north, he was traveling down to the heart of Rathdon when he ran into a Riesen. He's never seen one before so it catches him off guard. Maybe the wolves sense it and run off ahead of Andre. He catches up and sees this white haired stranger on the verge of death.

    Lol, feel free to chip in and change this. I have this time for killing my characters this week. xD
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    So happy for this Froth and Andre thing. I can see these two being BFFs :3
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    Just spreading the word~!

    Get in the Spirit is a Halloween-themed attempt to bring the WTF community together with games and silly fun. Get to know your fellow RPers and partake in the games to earn some prizes. You can even submit recipes and fall photos and become a part of the official WTF Autumn Food & Fun Guide!

    So grab a friend or two and here's to hoping we see you there!
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    YO! Okay, I recently purchased a minecraft server and I am thinking of holding a classic minecraft survival game. If you're interested check out this THREAD HERE! It's a team based game and there are some minor prizes (I'm broke, but hopefully a free video game works for you! >D If you don't already have them!)
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September 26, 1995 (29)
About MMOgamer
I am Senior in High School (Catholic) and love reading fantasy and playing video games, I want to go to college to design them one day.
Philadelphia, PA
Singing, writing and playing video games
Full Time Student




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09-26-2017 02:35 PM
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  1. joonsexual joonsexual is offline


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    A Shining Example

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    When humanity is on the brink of destruction, heroes must stand tall and thwart the hellish fiends that seek to oppress mankind.
    The Schism. The Mist. The War. The Victory. The Return to Order. The Return of the Mist.
    The lullabies of tomorrow bring about the end of time. Slay the lost and bring back the ticking hands of time.

    Andre Devox   (played in Go and Get Your Armor)
    The Beast Tamer
    GEAR, KYLE ALAN   (played in Red Mist Chronicles)
    THE ONYX: When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
    Kyle Alan Gear   (played in Red Mist Chronicles)
    A loner by trade. He doesn't speak much and could care less about the la'Ronk. They're just the customers who will pay him for a successful job.
    Prince Kyle A. Gear   (played in Red Mist Chronicles)
    Prince By title only. He acts more like a commoner. He is simply referred to as Gear
    Vixero Arden   (played in Red Mist Chronicles)
    The Knight of the Sun