What was that mysterious question you wanted to ask me Kitt? owo I must knooooow! Also, those cats are fab.
Made a character driven domestic gangster roleplay if you wanna join. I don't know if super casual sort of feel good, lazy shit like this is up your ally or not. But hey here is a link anyway.
I think Vol's bloodlust has spread to him ¶^¶ Time to hide in the corner of hiding!
Kiiiitt~ owo)/<3
My page has gotten Kitt's stamp of approval owo)/ I will now dance: ~(owo~) \(owo)/ (~owo)~
So many names to remember. @~@ Outer contact? As in?
Oh man, well it's nice to awkwardly meet you under misconceptions~
Is this. who i think it is. ?!
❣ love ♥ love ❤ love ♥ ai ❤ ai ♥ ai ❤ love ♥ love ❤ love ♥ ai ❤ ai ♥ ai ❣
Important NPC
Not-so-Secretly Kinky
Humble Farmer With a Sword
Reoccurring NPC
Nameless NPC