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    Made a character driven domestic gangster roleplay if you wanna join.

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    Massachusetts runs on Dunkin B|
    I'm pretty sure it's the religion out there too. XD

    And I've been to a Ninety Nine's! I think. They do the popcorn, right? :3

    And I shall have to add you on tumblr
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    I shall do my best to make it as awkward as possible. For example, are there any good restaurants in Woburn? I ate at this one Japanese place last time I was in the area. I would totally bring my boyfriend there but... he dun like Japanese food. So I promised him I would find an amazing burger place out that way (doesn't need to be in Woburn, per say).

    And maybe? I'm Xavirne on Tumblr too. I'm really just a friendly person who got a tad too excited when I saw you were from MA
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    Never heard of it. TIME TO LE GOOGLE.

    Oh snap, you're the county right next to me! Now I can come to you whenever I need help or get lost. XDDDDDDDD
  5. View Conversation
    XD I meant county not country. Come Sunday, I'll be in Essex County right on Cape Ann.
  6. View Conversation
    Not trying to be creepy, but what country do you live in?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
About goldfish3d

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Date of Birth
January 8
About goldfish3d
i'm jade, but u can call me p much anything u like
im a big dork who loves kingdom hearts a lot and took about a years worth of time off from roleplay recently- so i'm trying to get back into the community! i'm sort of a baby about initiating roleplays with strangers, but i'll get there eventually?
weeping about kingdom hearts, pretending i can write
freelance artist (commission link will be up soonish)


"...i am the excuse you give when you cannot follow the rules." - lucifer, the devil's carnival (2012)


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12-26-2017 02:26 AM
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  1. KeepRunning KeepRunning is offline

    Humble Farmer With a Sword

  2. Rascal07reardon Rascal07reardon is offline

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  3. Saphire4261 Saphire4261 is offline

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