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    Look, I have an account now! I'll shout you a coffee next time I see you.
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    Welcome to WTFRPG.com! We are the little guy in the mix of available roleplaying communities, but we have a lot of heart! This is a welcoming, warm, fun loving community that has the comforting feel of a small town. Take advantage of all our wonderful exclusive features, and don't be afraid to ask questions! Our staff is here to help you get everything you can of a new roleplaying experience.

    Thank you for joining our ranks~!
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    You've won the FNG award which is given to new members on the board who post a introduction in the Welcome Center forum! Feel free to display this award wherever you'd like, and for other information on awards check out the WTF Awards Sub-forum!
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About LyraHanson

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About LyraHanson
Just your usual sleep-deprived, coffee addict of a university student. I'm undertaking a double major in Engineering and Mathematics. I love writing, reading, messing with electronics and all kinds of music. I'm also a serial offender of overusing commas.
Hiding under blueprints gone wrong.
Reading, writing and 'let's see what happens when I mash these wires together!'
Insane engineering student


We were never tragedies; we were emergencies. Call 911, tell them I'm having a fantastic time.


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05-12-2013 03:36 AM
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05-26-2013 03:02 PM
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  1. Jezabela Jezabela is offline

    Nameless NPC

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    In a world where what we call "normal" does not exist and mass panic is avoided solely through lies

    Sonia Perdue   (played in Global Preservation of Normality)
    “Science does not have a moral dimension. It is like a knife. If you give it to a surgeon or a murderer, each will use it differently.”