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14 Visitor Messages

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    Hey, I'm just poking around the site at the asscrack of morning and I figure I would invite the people online to join the WTFRPG DJ Room [click here] to share their tunes.
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    Question do you have ventrilo by chance? Because explaining this is complicated. I've made a good 10 recordings trying to explain why it is a "yes and no" answer and I am failing to convey what I mean. So yeah if you have vent that would be cool because we could talk and it's just easier to explain.

    If you don't have vent or are uncomfortable getting on and talking to a random stranger online. I can attempt to give you a clearer answer via a recording.
  5. View Conversation
    Yes and no.
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah that is where I'm a bit "hmnmmmmerph" too. I kinda want to snag Jing's character, kate's characters, and I haven't gone through all the profile to really know what the others can offer.

    I think it's best we wait too. If in the end nothing comes of this I'll make a fantasy RP and just like roll from there! Pfffft. Not that i want to, but you know it's an option.
  7. View Conversation
    I'd say yes, but user knows I'm aiming for a specific few in this case and would prefer to just move on. HOWEVER, it is totally your call! ^____^ So do whatever you think best in this case.
  8. View Conversation
    Sorry for the delay there in Brookstone. I had a boat load of cleaning to do, Christmas eve and Boxing Day are both being held at my house . . . gotta get the place ship shape. BUT did get a post out tonight, should be able to throw a few back and forth.

    Here is hoping some other characters decided they want to try their hand at getting in on this adventure! I'm really glad you poked your nose into this, I'm starting to like your character. He seems like adventuring material! >D
  9. View Conversation
    XD If I do.

    Dem eyes. <3
  10. View Conversation
    QUQ I wanna draw them now hnghh<3
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About For Lack of a Better Name

Basic Information

Date of Birth
August 31, 1996 (28)
About For Lack of a Better Name
As you can tell already, I'm ForLackOfABetterName, but since I'd rather not give everyone carpal tunnel, feel free to call me Lack, BetterName, and other shortenings of my username. You can also call me Pichu/Pichu-Chan, since that's what I'm known by on other sites.

I love roleplaying, I've been doing so for about... I think three to four years now, I think? I'll probably post some of my roleplays I've posted on other sites, play with some OCs/FCs, and all that fun stuff.~ I've grown to be an aspiring writer from my roleplaying.

I also like anime; some of my favorites are Gurren Lagann, Kaiba (not that guy who screws the rules in Yugioh. It's pretty obscure, but I'd say to look for it and give it a try), Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Soul Eater... Again, the list is pretty much endless. Though I'm not limited to anime, I'm a big fan of Disney and other western cartoons and I'd be willing to give other various cartoons (for lack of a better name) a watch.

And I also like video games, some of my favorites being pokemon, Bayonetta, most Sonic the Hedgehog games, Epic Mickey, Persona 4, Disgea (I have yet to fully play through any of the games though)... I think you get the point by now.
An alternate dimension exactly like this one... This one has cat overlords too, right?
Video games, creative writing, poetry, awesome music.
... Uh, roleplaying counts, right?


^ = 1x1/Private
* = Open Roleplays made by me
~ = Open Roleplays

Feel free to PM me for RP requests, or if you want to collaborate!

"Why are your hands so freakishly b͘ig̶?"


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    Whether its long roleplays or short stories, it's all accepted in here!

    Laquanda Okoye Lagueux, AKA 'Chaos'   (played in INSERT NAME HERE)
    "Eh. I'm bored. Hey Chornbog, what's the spell for fire again?"