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Conversation Between The Epic Geek and rumxcoke

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello Epic. Just wondering what you think of working on Darkness Falls again? Either to at least give persmission to put your character in reserve, or maybe if you want to, yuo can keep writing?
  2. Then it is possible for Shana to know her language then. Since Shana's clan was allies with the clans in the forests.

    For the grasslands, their language leaned more towards an Icelandic language, but they would know some of the Irish that your character speaks in then.
  3. I would say that Clan Ravenclaw did not reside near grasslands. They were a forest and meadow people.
  4. Does your character use to live near grassland type areas?
    If so, then Shana might be able to speak a bit of the language then and understand it.
  5. It's just Google Translate, my friend. I used Irish. But, that's not the only language. Clan Ravenclaw was a Celtic Barbarian people. So that's why I chose it. I wonder if Shana would speak the same, or if she might use a different language. Anya does speak common, by the way. I just haven't had her speak it much yet. XD
  6. O ao

    the translator site for that language for your barbarian

    please tell me!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6